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The Best Tip for Healthy Diet: “Cook It Yourself and Keep Away from FastFood”

The Best Tip for Healthy Diet: “Cook It Yourself and Keep Away from FastFood”

Erasmus online 24-26th October

1st Day

At 8 we started our meeting. Croatian team showed us the presentation about their hometown,and country. After that the Turkish team showed us their presentation. Finally, the Polish group presented their work. After the break, all the teams showed presentations titled the Gift of nature. The Croatians presented the work about Blue Lake and fishing there. The Turkish team showed their main attractions. Ola, from our group talked about Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska. 

Maja and Hania

2nd Day

As a warm-up we did a simple game. Each team presented 3 dishes and other teams had to guess the ingredients. The Turkish team won the competition. Next, we talked about  project s connected with cleaning. The next stage included another presentations about protected areas of each country. We talked about Planty and Bielansko-Tyniecki Landscape Park. Last thing we presented was how we cooked traditional dishes.


3rd Day

At the beginning all groups showed the presentations about meditation in nature.  After that, all teams presented what they created from nature. Next, we did online evaluation of the Project. After the break, we started making birdhouses . And next we presented them. All of the birdhouses were beautifull and creative. Then we did the quiz with questions abut the presentation – Gift of nature. At the end we said goodbye to each other because it was the last day of our work. 


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